The above thought was shared by me a couple of days back, and many have asked me to elaborate on the same. My reply to all was to keep patience with me till the SUNDAY BRUNCH comes out, as I would need more than the space of a Whatsapp message to speak more on it.

To start with I would like to thank everyone, who keeps connected and feeds me back either with their perspective or the queries they may have related to whatever I share through my daily thoughts or the weekly SUNDAY BRUNCH. I have always believed that blessed are those who learn from the experience of others. And it is my humble endeavour to share my life experiences, and what I learn from them, so that I may help myself come true to my calling, which is to have a life that contributes.

Coming to the thought in consideration today, what I just wrote above could also have been written as ‘I wish to help others to learn from my experiences and lead their lives better.’ But then what I write is a direct reflection of what and how I think. And because I believe strongly that our actions and what we do, is centric to us and not for others, I could not present my thoughts in any different way.

The very fact that what I share through my experiences of life is helping some people to live better is a matter of their choice. What I am doing here is to practice what I wish to do for myself, to have a fulfilled and contented life. The very essence of my life which has contentment at the core of it will get dissolved if I start to focus on how many and how much, I want to influence someone else’s life and thoughts. Just because everything outside of me is outside of me, I will have a lesser level of control over it. And this very fact will present a challenge for me to achieve.

Though this is just an example which I shared here, in our life also this is the most essential truth. And the sooner we realize and accept that all our actions, and whatever we do, has us at the centre of it all, the better it will be for us and everyone we connect with. It relieves both us as well as others from a massive sense of falsehood that we usually place ourselves in.

We cannot do a more significant disservice to ourselves if we make ourselves believe that our thoughts and what we do are because of something that is outside of us. Yes, some things regularly happen in our outside world, and those do have an impact on us. But eventually, how we respond to them, or in fact if we even chose to respond to them, is ultimately a decision that has its origin deep within of us. The shifting of centricity of our actions happens because either we are good at not being honest with ourselves, or we feel that we are masters in lying to others.

For a feeling like that of love, I have always said that we love because we feel good loving. Love that does not make us feel good is no more love anyways. So, when we do things in love, which may be making the other person happy, even then the root of that is us getting happiness in seeing someone happy. 

Words like adjustments and compromises are generally regarded as having externally centric, but even these when we look at intensely, we will understand that we made a choice. And this choice was what decided for us, in a particular given circumstance. I know that at times none of the options available to us are the happy ones, but even in such scenarios, we do what our innermost tells us is lesser difficult in comparison to the other. And for situations where we chose the more difficult ones, the outcome of that is what we assume would be a better one.

I have had a life where I have very frequently been presented with choices, and what I feel most satisfied with is that for every decision I made, I have been consciously aware and acceptable to the fact that I have placed myself at the centre of all that I do. What makes it so very satisfying is that even when I know that a decision of mine is for the betterment of someone else, I am aware that the DECISION IS MINE. 

I have always guided my clients to become better aware of themselves. Being in charge of their actions and being mindful of the cause of their actions is one of the things I have always aspired to achieve with them. Do they get benefitted? YES! Does that mean, I do it for them? NO! …SO??? I do it for myself, and they do it with me, for themselves! 

A bit of honest reflection into some of our actions will help us better understand this. What I am most sure about is that, when this realization happens, all that we experience is an empowered version of ourselves. Practice, and we shall get better at it!

Love to All! Stay Safe!

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