My experience about the power of our reactions to what happens around us is what surrounded the week gone by. It was this very thought that engulfed my mind and made me reflect deep into further developing my understanding of the same. I realize that it is almost impossible to understand it fully, just for the vastness of the topic, but how much ever time I spend on this, I am growing with it.

The past couple of weeks have been quite a learning curve and presented me with a facet of life that I am not wholly familiar with. It obviously brought its own challenges, as well as demanded my time and attention. And I would be lying if I say that it did not overwhelm me at the start. But then being my natural self, I bounced back, and something in me decided to take charge and handle the situation.

HANDLE THE SITUATION! I think it is this very decision that we make, which helps us makes the difference. In life, if it is a good one, experiences of all different types will keep on happening. Some would be happy ones, and the others will bring challenges with the sole motive of helping us grow and evolve. What we do with such a situation is what eventually defines what we become and what we create out of the life we have got. And the two options that every challenging situation offers us is to either HANDLE THE SITUATION or to allow the situation to MISHANDLE US.

I am sure that most of you reading this would agree that the best option is to handle the situation, rather than allowing it to mishandle us. I also acknowledge and understand, that many might be having a question, ‘What if we are not fully equipped to handle it?’

Well, just like what I experienced, and as I submitted here, the situation I faced recently was also not a familiar one. But once it came forth, I had just two options, either to fight it and become better at it while I fight or allow myself to lose the battle without putting a fight, just because I found myself unarmored. My thought was to not lose without putting a fight. And more than often in life, when we decide to put a fight, when we choose to take charge, when we choose to not be mishandled, we evolve enough to come out of the situation without much damage, if not emerge winners.

A life spent well is not the one that got no highs and lows. The beauty of life lies in the various phases of celebrations and challenges, it passes through. If we just got a life, or we actually lived a life depends on how much we evolve while passing through such different experiences. It is these times of challenge, that help us create the moments of celebrations for ourselves. And it is this feeling of having created good things ourselves, that helps us grow and live a more confident life.

It all starts with an honest reflection and a conscious decision about the kind of life we want for ourselves. And for those who wish to have a life that presents all its beauty(which lies in its ups and downs), it is then a process of growing with every experience. It definitely starts with double the effort, one of handling the situations and second of managing ourselves. But with time, as we evolve, handling ourself becomes a natural process, and that helps us address the problems better than before.

I have experienced this in my life, and I am sure that anyone who lives life this way would agree to the fact that it is the contentment in winning the small battles, that prepares us for winning the war. And in times when we still do not emerge victorious at the end, we know that we won some small battles on the way and are better prepared for the next challenge.

Go out there and strive to reveal a better life. More often than not, it is not something that needs to be created but is lying buried under the challenges, we left unattended.

Love to All! Stay Safe! 

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