‘Easier said than done.’ A statement that I receive from several people with whom I share the daily thoughts based on my experience of the previous day. And though I completely understand where this statement comes from, my one standard reply is,” Practice and it becomes easier to do too.”

I do not think that Practice makes us perfect, but my strong belief, which is based on my own life’s experiences is that practice does make us better than before. It is this process of becoming better that we must strive to always keep on. Perfection is just a perceived stage, which loses its sheen as soon as we reach there. Haven’t we experienced those things that we believe will give us ultimate satisfaction, eventually become a milestone for another destination to be reached? 

Do I live a life which is all sorted? Obviously not! 

Don’t I get to face challenges in my life? Almost every day!

Don’t I feel that at times things get a bit difficult to handle? Quite often!

Then how do I say all those things which I speak in my daily thoughts about life? Does it not prove that it is easier to speak than to do? Well! My belief and practice of it tell me that it is all about the way you look at life. A good life will keep throwing surprises at you all the time. At times they will be pleasant, and at times they come in the form of challenges. And that is what keeps life interesting. It about what you decide to do with these gifts of life, which defines how it becomes for you.

In my case, though it has been quite a journey, I experience a stage where, more often than not, I chose to make things easy. It is a persistent endeavour to ensure that life is treated well, and all that it presents is received and acknowledged in its totality with utmost grace.  And it is this very decision, that makes me say that ‘Practice and it becomes easier to do too.”

Making life easy, is by no means, taking life easy. And we must understand that it is actually in trying to take life easy that we make things difficult for us. Life, for its grandeur, demands its rightful share of mindfulness and attention from all of us. And for those who do not heed to its demand, it does get difficult. The best thing in all of this is that the attention that life wants from us does not require us to focus anywhere outside. Life, how we see it happing around us, is nothing but a reflection of what happens inside of us. Taking its easy is when we move away from ourselves and making it easy is when we focus inwards and explore our own hidden gems to make this life a beautiful one.

I relate much to people who find it difficult to do this because that is the path that I have also walked in my life. And the very fact that I could walk past that and start making swift moves to manoeuvre through the course of life makes me confident that everyone else can do it too. All we need is a resolve to ensure that we take charge of our life. And the only way we can take charge is by deciding how we respond internally to whatever happens outside of us.

To all those, who still wonder that if it is possible or not, I just want to say I used to have similar questions arising in mind my mind, and someone through this journey, those questions have been replaced by the many beautiful answers, some of which I have tried to share with you today. Get up and create a life that you wish for yourself.

Love! Stay Safe! 

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