Evil! A word which generally makes us look outwards whenever it comes to mind. Something which many of us find very difficult to accept or acknowledge to be associated with oneself too. The best we usually do is to give it much mellowed down names like shortcomings or weakness or things that we can do better, etc.

What does that actually talk about us? Does it really need to be re-looked at to be better acknowledged? Well, I truly feel yes! Though there is no standard to what we can call evil, and what we should just be calling something which is not so good, understanding what is not correct to its actual intensity is very important.

I have always believed that be it good or bad; if we do not accept it in totality with its true magnanimity, we stand a risk of not living it fully. Just like every good thing, which can only make us as happy as much we celebrate it. Everything which is not that good or is dangerous must also be understood in its totality to address and do necessary corrections.

We all have heard many stories about how evil prevails in the world and how it has affected society and humankind for ages. What also is common in all those tales is how the evil has finally been defeated and crushed by the good, and happiness and prosperity prevailed. Though there cannot be any question on the strength of goodness and the power it has to crush any evil of the universe, there is one important element that is mostly overlooked in all these narrations.

My understanding all such stories, and even more my own experiences of my life and of people that I meet, is that what also plays a bigger role in the crushing of the devil is the ignorance or denial of the presence on evil within itself. And this holds as good for all the stories I have heard from the past, as it is for the life that goes on today.

In my professional, I am blessed enough to be able to meet people who seek help in various aspects of their lives. They all come to me because they desire to have a better life for themselves and wish to take charge to get over with their struggles. If I call it a little differently, my clients come to me with the evil that engulfs their lives and wants me to help them be freed from it. 

Yes, I am indeed happy to help them fight this battle and come out victorious, but generally, the war is not the one which they assumed they would be fighting while they decided to come to me. More often than not, what we end up defeating is the evil that resides within us. My role ends as soon as I can make them understand the issue in their lives, in its totality and the truest form. And it is this understanding which makes them win over it, in lesser time than they ever thought it would take.

Many of them eventually ask me that how could they not do it all themselves earlier itself? Why did they not understand the problem like they did after meeting me? What is it that made the solution come so easily to them? And the answer in most of the situations is similar. It is the way and place we started to look at the whole issue. 

The problem which we call evil was being looked at as being in someone or something other than us. And it is this one usual mistake that makes the evil look much bigger and much stronger than what it may actually be. Anything that is not in our domain is more difficult to control or manage, in comparison to what we have within us. The first step, which is of taking ownership by identifying our responsibility in the whole matter is generally the most difficult one. And it is this difficulty which makes us overlook it so easily and try to control it from and at a place which we do not possess. 

As soon as we shift the focus from outside to within, and find that source inside of us, which is evil, we become much more in control of killing the devil and come out victorious. This evil can be the ill thoughts, wrong actions or even triggered reactions. Whatever it may be, it is easiest controlled when we acknowledge and understand, our own responsibility in it, and thus take charge of commanding our lives.

We must always remember that acknowledging that which is NOT GOOD with us, is the start of creating all that WHICH IS GOOD in our lives. 

Love to All! Stay Safe!

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