Life! Such an uncomplicated thing in itself, but made into such a difficult puzzle, which needs to be solved by many of us. And the biggest irony of it is that most of us say, ‘NOT ME’ when such a question arises about why we make life so complicated for ourselves?

Last week has been quite eventful as far as my personal life is concerned. I had a rightful mix of happy and not too easy moments. I met a lot of happy and a few sad faces. I had some moments of joy, and somewhere I saw the challenges that life presents. Some friends came closer, and some could not share the warmth. All of this is what made life so interesting.

Interesting! Yes, that is the word which we must always strive to look at our life as. Instead what I see, with many of my clients or even some people that I know in my own life is that they associate the words like good or bad, happy or sad, easy or difficult, as soon it comes to talking or thinking about life. The reality is that life needs to be a mix of all of these words. A life which does not see all of these wonderful experiences can never be called a fulfilled life. And the last thing we can associate with such a living is, is to call it interesting.

In one of my interactions a couple of days back, this is the word which stole the show. It was a new client interaction, and as it is normally the case, we planned to have a generic know-each-other kind of talk before we get to the details of what issues the person might be facing, and what must be done to sail through. To my surprise, the talk lasted just for about twenty-five minutes, and that became eventually the first and the last conversation we had about anything related to a client and coach relationship.

Post five minutes of a generic introduction, the person went straight into sharing some experiences of his, which made him think about the endless troubles he faces in his life. Gave him several thoughts about not having blessed with a good life. Made him sad that he must be journeying through the karma cycle to be not having a smooth life with no ups and downs. And many more such thoughts, jumping up and down in his mind. The best part was that he spoke about one real-life example with everything he mentioned, just because he wanted to make me confident that it is not his imagination, but such things really do happen in his life. 

And the very fact that he quoted all those experiences made me understand that he actually is living such a blessed life. All that he is missing on is the right perspective, as to how to look at it all as. The reason that was making his life seemingly unfortunate for him is what made it fortunate for me to understand his issues better. Issues? No, I think I should call it ‘An Issue’. And that issue was to not be able to look at how interesting his life is.

Those twenty-five minutes had him speaking for about twenty minutes and the remaining time was used by me to just make him leave the tight spot he had placed himself into, and shift to a place where he can look at all the same realities of his but with a different perspective. It is only through this change of perspective that he was able to shift his focus and see how he has developed through all these experiences he has had in life. It all changed from being, difficult, bad, sad, tough to be interesting. And once that shift happens, life becomes a blessing.

The best part of it all was that all those experiences which were making him feel that he had not the best lives, now made him say, that an easier, only good, only happy, and only easy life would not have made him the person he is today. I have met him only once after that, and that too was just a courtesy call to keep connected with an evolved soul, but I could the spark in both his words and in his eyes, living exactly the same life as he always had, but with a shift in perspective.

I am sure if we all take the various phases of life in our stride and strive to seek a life which is interesting rather than being easy, we will see that our true evolution is rooted in a life which has its ups and downs.

It is lifeless that floats! The one which can be drowned eventually can swim through also.

Love to all! Stay Safe!

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