INWARDS! A word that has been clouding my mind for the past few days now. Am I surprised by this? No! Is it anything unusual that is happening? Definitely No! Actually, I would have been surprised had it not happened to me at this time. 

After months of hectic schedules and being surrounded by various kinds of people for so long, I knew that the need for a journey within would grip my mind and thoughts with such intensity. Neither does it come as a first-time phenomenon, nor does it make me feel like questioning myself as to why it is happening.

Connecting with oneself is such an important aspect that once we get consciously aware of the same and start to practice it in our life, it becomes addictive and as important as breathing in and breathing out. My profession which blesses me with interacting and understanding a lot of people by getting to know their core has made me realize that the misconceptions about this ‘connect with oneself’, is what creates most of the issues for many of us today.

I meet a large of people who seek help for various issues that bother them, and in most of the cases, the problem seems to be originating from somewhere outside of them. While presenting the issue, it is always the case that oneself is looked upon as the receiver of something which is originating from an outer sphere and is creating issues with their own life. I would be wrong if I say that I can help everyone find a solution to their problems, but I take immense satisfaction in knowing that creating the right understanding of the problem is what I have been able to achieve with almost each one of them.

The process may differ for each one of them. The path taken may not be the same. But the eventual destination, which is a better understanding of the issue they have, is almost the same for everyone. 

I see the eyes sparkling at times, and many times they get teary also. Still, the reason behind all of that is a realization and understanding that for whatever happens outside of us, how our core reacts to it, is what that occurrence becomes for us. And more often than not, our reaction to what occurs outside of us is an unmindful, as we are of what is inside of us. It is my strong belief that the quality of our connection with ourselves defines how we allow anything outside of us to connect with us. 

To understand and handle the various aspects of our life, what need first is to understand we are made up of. What are the core values and deepest thoughts that drive us in life? What is it that makes us what we are? What influences our choices and reactions? And to get answers to all these questions, we need to create a habit of taking these journeys within. It is as important to work through the nitty-gritty of the world outside, as is to take a holiday from it all and go deep within to explore the inside universe.

Connecting and reconnecting with oneself is a blessing that we all deserve. The only important thing we need to know is that this blessing does not come from anywhere else but has to be a self-created privilege that we all must consciously gift ourselves at desired intervals.

I for one, need this fuel of ‘travelling inwards’ very often, and I have a strong conviction that this what keeps me going, and helps me to assist others in seeking help with their lives too. Understanding and acceptance of the fact that our awareness of what we are made up of, is what leads to our ability to understand what constitutes all that which we encounter in life, makes our life a better lived one.

Love to all! Stay Safe!

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