An eventful week it has been, that was full of learnings and experiences yet again. Having completely contrasting beginning and end, one message that the last seven days have given is to be mindful of the vulnerability that we all breathe in every moment. 

Vulnerability, the word itself is mostly taken as something which puts us into a zone of insecurity and unsure. Though there is no question about the susceptibility that it places us into, it is equally a fact that this defenselessness is what opens us to the world of possibilities that we were not aware of. Multiple examples in the last few days, have strengthened my belief that situations become what we allow them to become for us.

As much as it is true that certain things do happen in suddenness in our life, it is also a fact that how we react to those defines what we allow them to do to us. Multiple experiences of this week have reinforced that it works both ways, at times it is the reactions that lead to the results, and at other times it is the desired results that make us react in a certain way to specific situations.

I was pleasantly surprised to have come across someone who chose to allow herself to be immersed in situations that would bring out a certain kind of a reaction in herself. What made me feel happy about it the fact that, being aware of what she desired for herself, she acknowledged the fact that it is only through making herself vulnerable that she can act unlike what she has been until then. The awareness about her old ways not working for her, made her put herself into a place where she would act differently. Such a dare!

And being completely in sync with my belief that the universe responds when we start to work towards our fulfilment, I saw every moment becoming magical for that person. It was such a wonderful sight to see someone getting untangled with every inhale, and every exhale releasing a knot that tied a pure and free soul for such a long time. And what it all started with? That one decision to make oneself vulnerable and thus open to receive.

I do not know what happens next, and what course one life takes in days and months to come. But what I know is whatever level of security with oneself that individual will experience, will have its roots in this dare to be porous when it mattered the most. The decision to allow oneself to soak it all shall go a long way to not carry any unnecessary baggage that was shouldered for so long.

At times vulnerability is adopted consciously, and at times it is something that comes as stares at us, making us feel unprepared for situations. When I experienced such a moment in the last couple of days, what helped me was to acknowledge the fact that I was not ready for it. The very acceptance that what I was encountering was not expected at all, made me accept that I was not even expected to be prepared for it also. And thus, it is fine for me to not know everything about handling it all perfectly.

Such surprises do not need our perfection, instead, all they need from us is to have the right perception. What matters in situations like this is the perspective with which we look at both the situation at hand and also ourselves. To allow us the liberty to be vulnerable when found in sudden situations, helps us to feel grounded, and avoid any sense of unreasonable self-created expectations from ourselves. Every surprise turns into a situation, once we give it the desired time to settle down. And once mindfully done, such situations then eventually become manageable also. Having allowed me to go through this vulnerability, helped me handle the situation at its merit, and thus sit here today feeling much more stable and peaceful.

Let us all embrace vulnerability, and permit ourselves the gift of blissful receiving that it brings with itself.

Love to All! Stay Safe!

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