“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” There has never been a time in my life when I have not found myself agreeing with this saying of Albert Einstein. And the last three months have been no different. Certain things that have happened, acted to only strengthen my belief in what I call ‘Change is Life’.

When I decided to take a break from my regular blogs, ‘The Sunday Brunches’, I did not anticipate such a long interval before me getting back to writing again. But then as life happened, I allowed myself a bit more time to gather experiences before I get back to expressing again. And here I am writing this at 3.50 am, just at the break of the dawn, when my inner voice asked me to pick up my iPad, instead of hitting the bed and re-connect with all those who appreciate my sharing.

What I feel like sharing with you today is my thoughts about the respect this word ‘change’ deserves. More often than not, I have seen change either being resisted or being ridiculed for holding the potential of upsetting the norm. Maybe at times creating the storm. But what it deserves is being honoured and respected for making possible, what each of us is today. 

The last three months gave me numerous opportunities to experience change from various dimensions and thus to understand why it is treated, the way it is. And almost every experience of mine made me understand that the only reason why change is resisted is that it does not always adhere to expectations. The result that any change brings, is not always what was assumed or calculated while allowing the change to happen. And it is this loss of control over the consequences, that leads us to want to control the change itself.

The work that I do, blesses me with numerous experiences from a huge number of great life stories. Many of them in the recent past have added to my belief about the importance of change. I have met people who are desperate to bring about some change in their life but are stopped by either their self-doubts or by the inhibitions of others around them. I have seen such people feeling suffocated because they are not allowing change to create the magic that their lives deserve. 

The very fact that resisting change to occur in their ‘doing’ world is disturbing them, is proof that some change has already happened in their ‘being’ world. I feel highly satisfied that having helped such people embrace their being without any inhibitions, has further helped them experience the magic of doing that change has brought in their lives. These people today live a more empowered life and having allowed change to flow through them, can embrace the change that happens around them in others now. Having accepted change as the best thing that can happen to any life, I feel proud of seeing these people helping others understand the magnificence of allowing change to happen.

The best part about change is that we do not need to do anything special to create it. All that is required for us to do is not to do anything that becomes a roadblock. It is the most natural way of life and every life is able enough to handle its journey through all the changes. 

Being mindful of how we live is always a more meaningful way of living our life, and one question that can help us be aware of our equation with ‘change’, and thus help us be fulfilled individuals is, ‘When was the last time, when I accepted a change to happen both within, and outside of me?’ Answer to this, sow the seed for a life which flows and glows in all its magnificence.

Stay Safe! Love to all!

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