Reflect and Act!!!

It is one full week past into the new year, and I see much of the enthusiasm associated with the coming of 2022 now settling in. People are back to their routine tasks and life is back to being usual. Well, I have nothing against things running as they are, but this subsiding excitement increases the chances of us and our lives, remaining the same as they are today for the rest of the year ahead.


Reflection and planning must not be restricted to the few days that connect the two years together. The very reason that life goes on, it needs us to be mindful of it too without keeping it restricted to a ritual. 


What I have learnt through my own experiences and various trials, is to include this practice of reflection and planning into my life in a very mindful and thought about manner. So as to not over-do or do less of it, and thus keep the right balance of planning as well as execution.

The need for this thought through scheduling came from my exposure to many who I have seen fitting into the category of either over-thinkers and low-executors, or vice-versa.


The practice I follow is to dedicate enough time that is in proportion to frequency of reflecting and planning. The lesser the frequency, the more is the time that I dedicate to thinking about things.


My check points as far as this practice of pause and move is concerned are yearly, monthly, weekly and daily. The yearly practice takes me a total of seven dedicated days of reflection and planning. Every change of month takes my two dedicate days for this practice. While the weekly and daily piece of pause and move, is devoted two hours and 10 minutes respectively.


This mindfully created schedule works for me, because of my comfort with the process of mindfulness and awareness. However, the time used in this practice may vary from person to person, I highly recommend all those who want to be more confident about their own choices and be sure of what they set out to do, to include this habit of reflecting and planning, in their action-packed lives.


Many of clients who know me at a personal level too, have developed this skill of being mindful about what they have done, and what they aspire to do. And the one big difference I have seen in all of them is to be much more relaxed both while doing what they do, and in accepting the results that come from whatever they have done. It gives me great pleasure to see in them, acceptance and harmony for their own way of being.


I chose to speak about it today, because I realize that the roots of no major breakthroughs in the year ahead, lie in the letting go that happens during this time of the year, because of non-implementation of the various ambitious things that we had planned for ourselves when we started the year. It is important therefore to know that it is just 8 days that have passed in this year of our life, and we still have another 357 more days to go. 


And though we should be disappointed with what is already gone, we must do whatever it takes to ensure that we do our best, to make the best of what remains with us. And it is for this, that I wanted to share my own practice of reflection and execution with you today, to present you with a chance to keep going and make a change for yourself and to others around you.


Have a happy day and a great week, month and year ahead.


Love, RB!







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