The Third Angle….

Perspectives! Our own unique way of looking at things, people, situations around us. And if we look at it from an even micro view, we will see that this is one big factor that defines the kind of life we decide to live. I am consciously choosing my words here because I believe strongly that it is we who decide what perspective to have for something.

This decision can surely be either a conscious one or something which is driven by the experiences we have been through. In most cases, it is the latter that influences how we perceive things. And though the experience is a great thing to have, what we allow it to do to us, is something we need to be careful about.

Not everything that we see with our eyes is true. And that is simply because our truth about it is nothing but just how we perceive it to be. Likewise, everything that we have seen till now in our lives, may or may not be true, because it does not only have an imprint of our own perceptions but of many others too, as we get influenced by the experiences and opinions of others, during our journey to where we are.

Why am I sharing about perspectives today? It is because of my own experiences with it during the last one week or so. Almost everything that has happened in the last week, and honestly all of it has been profound, has everything to do with just one word, perspective.

Things have been a roller-coaster, as has always been for me in my life, but this time, I have been able to give myself some moments of reflection, being detached from the experience itself. How this helps me is to not be biased and look at things only from my perspective, neither does it make me try and accommodate the differing perspective, because of my genuine love and care for them. What happens in this kind of reflection is that one gets to see the situation for what it is, and thus make sense of what wants to show up through this.

I must admit that it is a very arduous path to walk on, and I am satisfied that I am able to stay on it for some bits and moments, but then the magic of this space is so much, that even a short stay here gives one so much clarity that it seems to have been impossible if there was a bias attached to it.

I had originally planned to not do the Sunday brunch today, as I am planning to change the frequency and structure of it somewhat, but then I could not stop myself from keeping this huge insight that I found, closed to myself.

The process involves a lot of courage, and determination, as placing oneself away from a biased space can present many chances of either feeling ashamed or getting into the blame game. But then if one has confidence in the purity of what you share with the situation, thing, or the person involved, it gives all the strength that is desired and required for this practice to happen.

I am still in this process, while I write the blog today and share it with you, and I have a very strong belief that I will be able to emerge as a much more righteous, truthful, understanding, and supportive being.

I hope and pray, and we all get the strength to live life from a space that holds such a huge possibility of allowing our blissful lives, in harmony with ourselves as well as others.

I would be happy to share my experiences of it all further, with anyone who would want to connect with me on a phone call or a video session.

And while I delve deeper into this space, I wish you a very happy and safe week ahead.

Stay Safe!

Love, RB!


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