
Help! A word generally associated with the act of giving.

Since childhood, we all, or atleast most of us have been taught about the importance of being ready to help those who need us. In multiple ways, being helpful is what is being preached to us and advocated as a personality trait that we all must develop.

There is no part of me that disagrees with whatever is being spoken about being helpful, and yes it indeed makes the world a better place to live in. But what I want to talk about today is the aspect of  ‘help’ which is often not discussed much, and thus remains neglected .

And that is about being ready to seek help!

Asking for help has somehow commonly been looked down upon. I have seen this with many people, and at one point in time even experienced the same with myself, that seeking help is considered as something which better be avoided.

Find out ways to help yourself, but avoid asking for help!

Seeking help is as good as asking for favours!

To ask means you are allowing yourself a place of lower pedestal.

It is statements like these which has made help being sought as an act of shame or guilt for many. And this one notion, has led to many lives that have kept struggling, when they could easily have found a way out.

‘Help’, as a word should be advocated as being only positive, irrespective of is it being given or sought. ‘Help’ to me is a very important component of co-existence, for this world to survive and thrive.

It must be a conscious effort and should be taken up as an act of responsibility by everyone in the current times, to develop, as well as pass on to the next generation, the sense of comfort that must be associated with seeking help.

The ease of seeking help will not only help individuals have better lives, but will also enable stronger relationships, deeper bonds, healthy and realistic personalities. 

The normalising of help being sought will allow for many silent breakdowns to be avoided, possible failures being averted, and many lives being saved because of a timely stretch of hand.

It is important for ‘seeking help’ to be seen as an act of strength, rather than weakness. For, to allow ourselves to be vulnerable, and express our fragility takes real inner-strength. 

It is in seeking help, that we also create an opportunity for someone to experience their potential to help. That exposure to their ability to help can go a long way in them becoming a meaningful contributor, and making this world a better place to live.

As a Life and Relationship coach, my profession is based and thrives on one word and that is ‘Help’. A coaching relationship is the most honest partnership that I have experienced, between a client seeking help and a coach who presents himself/herself with complete honesty and sincerity to help.

I would urge anyone who resonates with what is expressed above, to develop this aspect of normalising and advocating ‘seeking help’ as a part of their relationships, and thus create fulling lives for yourself and others.

Let us take pride, both in being able to help, and being able to seek help!

Let us create happy and fulling lives!

Much Love,


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