
Another Sunday, and yet again travelling. So once again it’s a blog in today’s brunch. I really want to record a podcast, and hopefully shall be able to do it next week. For now, I am happy for whatever is possible in this set-up.

Anyways what I want to share today is about the blessing which has forced itself in my life and for me in the last four days. I call it forcing itself into my life, because somewhere I feel that completely left on me, I would have created some reasons for me either not embrace it fully or make myself believe that this is what is meant to be.

But then it was not supposed to be like that. And I am thankful to absolutely anyone or anything that has played any kind of role in making it happen.

This change is about allowing myself to live my most desired version. And not only to live it fully, but also to not allow myself any reasons for that to be hidden from anyone.

I have been on a path of living close to what I truly believe in, and I know that though was almost everything that I was experiencing that in, there were still a couple of things where I was living on the edge.

Reasons are easy to create when we allow ourselves denial to something. And that is what happened with me too. Thoughts ranging from, I must not be told what to do, to not being understood completely. Reasons like not wanting to hurt people who cannot understand, to not justifying to those who I thought no empathy towards it. From creating excuses of time being not right, to giving myself a time span for preparing that muscle. All these and many more, I allowed myself to be surrounded with.

And then what happened is what I call the blessing of my source of divine. All barriers got shattered, all excuses made way, and all reasons seemed invalid. And in that one moment of divine intervention, I talked myself towards absolute liberation.

I know that there can be nothing which I can describe in words here. The reason can be that it was the briefest talk I have ever had with myself, and all that it transitioned me into is action. Action towards doing and action towards stop doing.

So, keeping it short for today, all I want to say before I close is that I have experienced that moment of bliss, and that has allowed me to envision and immediately start living, my most desired version of myself. And what is most liberating is for it to come attached with a decision and strength to speak about whatever I choose to do, and to not be anything or do anything for which I can create a reason of not being able to tell someone.

And to share it with my world today was just that one step towards this life and intention that I am living right now.

Have never been this short of words. May be this does not need many words. Keep if anything makes sense and leave if nothing does. Sending this out with love, is what was meant for me, and I know it has served its purpose.

Much Love,

DeepCoach RB




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