
My Weekly Blogs


There comes a time in our life when we feel the urge to change the way we have been living. This can possibly be because of something not working in …

Life’s Magnificence

Something came up during one of my coaching sessions last week and that had me reflect upon it even further for next few days. Life at times is so easy …

Happy Mother’s Day

I want to start today’s blog by wishing everyone a very happy Mother’s Day. This is that one connection which has touched anyone who has even existed. And she is …


Another Sunday, and yet again travelling. So once again it’s a blog in today’s brunch. I really want to record a podcast, and hopefully shall be able to do it …

Parenting – Being Mindful!

Yes, I know that this Sunday Brunch was supposed to be a podcast, but travel schedules have not allowed me enough appropriate space to record. My desire to not let …

Allow Vulnerability…

I am writing today’s blog sitting at the airport on my way to a coaches’ retreat in Bali. Multiple thoughts crossing my mind as I go ahead with it and …

Goodness within!

There are always two sides to each person. This is one statement that I have heard innumerable times in my life. And the number of experiences that I have had …

Choose Authenticity…

‘Presenting your most authentic version is the biggest gift you can give to your relationships, as well as the people you are related to.’ This was one of my sharing …

Love – Let it lead!

Relationships! No matter what type and kind they are, have their own share of ups and downs. Especially when it comes to love between two individuals (I mean the kind …

Disappointments! A word that directly co-relates to the word expectations. I generally try and find the most positive way possible for sharing my thoughts, and experiences, as I believe that …

Situations – Our relationship with them.

‘Our reaction to a situation literally has the power to change the situation itself.’ I had heard this saying several times. And my belief in this has been getting stronger …


Help! A word generally associated with the act of giving. Since childhood, we all, or atleast most of us have been taught about the importance of being ready to help …

Yes, I know it was time for the Sunday Podcast today, but owing to bad throat and almost unbearable voice, I decided against torturing my audience. And so here I …

This picture came to me as a great re-enforcement of the power of presence.   That concept of presence is so absent to many while we carry on with our …


Last one year has been filled with immense amount of learning. Getting to know about newer ways of looking at life. Coming across concepts and thoughts, which go far beyond …


Last few days has been the period of the beginning of yet another phase of churning inside me. And before I go any forward, I must mention that this happens …

Passion & Divinity

The week gone by saw the culmination of a journey, which I had been a witness to for almost the last one and half years. Friday evening was the grand …


“Communication works for those, who work at it.” This quote that I came across a few days back, has deepened my relationship with my belief in the power of communication. …

The art of Self-checking!!!

I have always been a fan of reflection and introspection. And I consider that as one of the reasons of me having seen all the ups and downs of my …

PAIN….It serves!

Last week saw the culmination of a journey that started almost six months back. A journey which for the first time made me question my readiness for it. A journey …

Room for Improvement…

‘There is always room for improvement.’ I have heard this saying since years beyond my remembrance now. And though, I never actually questioned it, lately my belief in this has …


Last couple of weeks for me has been full of travel and a lot of unplanned activities that needed my attention. And it is when things like these happen that …


Perspective, our own unique way of looking at things. When I call it unique it does mean that it cannot be influenced by the opinion of others. But the most …

The true strength of forgiveness…

Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.’ There is nothing disagreeable in this statement, although I personally feel that it is yet …

Be in love with the secrets of life…

‘How to become friends with our confused state of mind? How to let go of the impatient need to always reach a state of clarity?’ These are the questions put …

Be Ever-Evolving….

Last couple of months have been a journey of deep within for me. Though I have always considered myself to be very aware of my own thoughts and perceptions about …

A new beginning….

Last few months have been all about the most awesome journey that I took, of understanding one’s being from a totally new perspective. Yes, it all started in the form …

The Third Angle….

Perspectives! Our own unique way of looking at things, people, situations around us. And if we look at it from an even micro view, we will see that this is …

The Love he was… he is….

It might not be a Saturday morning, which is for a podcast, and it may not even be the time for Sunday brunch, when the blog comes to you on …

Live the moment..

Living in the moment has been the theme of my life for quite some time now. And the last week was no different than that. If I say, this is …

Living in the moment..

Living in the moment has been the theme of my life for quite some time now. And the last week was no different than that. If I say, this is …


It is about five days back that I saw a movie while traveling which reinforced my belief of being answerable to one’s calling as our biggest obligation towards this life …


And here it is! The last offering from me as far as the gift of slowing down as a practice is concerned. I continue to emphasize this because of the …

Slow Down…..

Last week has all been a week of almost nil activity. One is health that did not permit me to move around, and the second was my encounter with the …

Hope…Stick to it!

In this brunch, I wanted to share something which I came across yesterday while watching a television show. There was this actor who was interviewed about his life while he …


This brunch comes from me, that is feeling overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude and blissfulness. And all that comes from the time I spent with my Life-Coach yesterday evening. …

Present! Present it to yourself…

The last few days have been full of reflections and thoughts and projections, in all almost every conversation I have had. Part of it is because of who I am, …

Reflect and Act!!!

It is one full week past into the new year, and I see much of the enthusiasm associated with the coming of 2022 now settling in. People are back to …

Expect..The right thing, The right way!!!

‘If you expect disappointment, you can never really be disappointed’, A very famous dialogue of a Hollywood movie series. I myself have herd this in many of the conversations, in …

Untill We Connect Again….

What a week it has been! If there is something which could justify the meaning of a roller-coaster ride, I would place the last seven days of my life, high …

+ Focus…

This Sunday brunch is going to be a shorter one, but a re-enforcement of one of things that I have talked about many times in my various thoughts earlier. I …

Create your own Happiness!!!

Last one week has been nothing else but every minute a re-affirmation of my belief that good times in life, do not only come to those who deserve it, but …

Enjoy the Swings!!!!

Wow! What a week it has been. Life at its best. No, I don’t mean that everything was smooth, and happy, and at ease. There were the highs and lows, …


Last night, I was asked a question about the two different thoughts that had shared in the past few days. The question was asked assuming that the two are contradictory, …

Holding On…Letting Go……

It seems like these are days when people have entered a zone of being comfortable asking me to elaborate on something that I speak about through The Self-Accessment Initiative, either …

Embrace, and Race Ahead…

How much is too much? And how much is enough? This is one question that had been surrounding my mind for a few days until the last week happened. The …

Independence… Truly!!!!

Independence! A day that is celebrated today by our countrymen across the globe. Celebrations of having gained our freedom from colonialism fill the day with jubilance and cheer. I take …

Enough & More….

A question was put to me last week. Something that has kept me thinking for a long time. And though exploring deeper into thought is a never-ending process, I thought …


Love is a give and take! For how long can one keep giving love if it is not reciprocated? These are some of the statements and questions that were presented …


“We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.” – George Bernard. Such profound meaning in what is said here. By …

This Sunday brunch comes out of the blue. No plans to begin writing again for the next two weeks, but then, when life throws things at you, you can either …


Changing the status-quo had been the theme of the week that has passed by. Though there have been many such occurrences in the last seven days, some stood out and …


An eventful week it has been, that was full of learnings and experiences yet again. Having completely contrasting beginning and end, one message that the last seven days have given …


Life has been quite interesting in the last few days. My world of life coaching yet again gave me the privilege of coming across varied human behaviour. Yes indeed, we …


“Sometimes it is the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.” This quote by a famous pop-singer holds complete truth for how my past few months have been. …


“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” There has never been a time in my life when I have not found myself agreeing with this saying of Albert …

Last week has been quite an intriguing one as it brought me quite a few questions that I feel I need to find answers to. Questions that came forward from …


INWARDS! A word that has been clouding my mind for the past few days now. Am I surprised by this? No! Is it anything unusual that is happening? Definitely No! …


Evil! A word which generally makes us look outwards whenever it comes to mind. Something which many of us find very difficult to accept or acknowledge to be associated with …


Strength! A quality that each one of us wishes to possess. And though I strongly believe that be it physical strength or mental strength or even strength in character, each …


SELF-RESPECT! A concept which I dealt with more than once in the last week that went past. Though nothing specifically related to me, I won’t be wrong if I call …


Life! Such an uncomplicated thing in itself, but made into such a difficult puzzle, which needs to be solved by many of us. And the biggest irony of it is …


‘Easier said than done.’ A statement that I receive from several people with whom I share the daily thoughts based on my experience of the previous day. And though I …


My experience about the power of our reactions to what happens around us is what surrounded the week gone by. It was this very thought that engulfed my mind and …


The week gone by has been quite significant for me. Ecstasy, as well as challenges, presented themselves at their supreme level. And eventually, it all came down to me making …


Honesty! A word that engulfed my last week more than anything else. In several conversations last week, it is the honesty which I have always considered as Virtue, that seemed …


It has been thirty years today. On this very day in 1990, my father passed away at the age of thirty-nine. Indeed, an abrupt end to a life which knew …


The above thought was shared by me a couple of days back, and many have asked me to elaborate on the same. My reply to all was to keep patience …