Love is a give and take! For how long can one keep giving love if it is not reciprocated? These are some of the statements and questions that were presented to me, coupled with requests of elaborating on my thoughts about the message I shared yesterday (pic above), as a part of my daily routine. Though I am very clear about my own thoughts about the matter, the very fact that these questions arose, made me reflect deeper into it, and see what generally triggers in majority of people when the word love is talked about. I even had some interactions yesterday, because I wanted to be sure of what I was developing as my understanding from my own thinking.

And all those reflections and talks, made one big revelation, which is that the very premise on which love should be based on is hugely misunderstood. Love, which is, and should be the purest form of selflessness, is vastly used as something that we either give to someone or take from someone. Something which was supposed to have nothing connected to outside of us, has become so much external focused that the very essence of it has been lost, and misunderstood by many.

Love is turned into a practice, which has thus become an act of performing and behaving in a certain manner, which makes us believe that it is something that is getting transferred or transmitted from one to another. And just because it is being given out, there comes an expectation of it being received also. Making others feel loved has become an area of responsibility, added to so many other responsibilities of the worldly matters out there. Feeling loved is no more based on something which is all inside of us but has become dependent on what we receive from something or someone outside of us.

All this and many other such thoughts about this most beautiful gift that we carry within ourselves, made me realize and understand why such questions and statements were presented to me. And I just could not tell myself to delay it beyond this Sunday brunch and talk on this sometime else.

Love is what we are all about. Love is what originates and grows within us. Attraction, liking and appreciation for something or someone, can be dependent on things that are external to us, but I don’t know of even one person who could be made to love someone, unless it did not originate from within their own self. And just because we as humans are most distant from our own selves, we find it easy to assign an external motivation to the love that we feel towards what is outside of us. And this very reason of having assigned the cause of love being originated because of something outside of us, becomes responsible for love to either grow or diminish because of external factors.

Most believed to be such in the case of human relationships, we believe that the love we feel someone is being given by us to them, and thus in return we also feel that it is either being given back or not reciprocated. My various experiences of my own life and of those that I have been blessed to be a part of, has made me understand that what we call love within us, never leaves us, or goes to someone else. It is a feeling that originates within us, grows within us, and then thrives within us only, making us a person who is affectionate and caring towards others. Likewise, there is no love from anywhere outside of us, that enters within us, and makes us feel good about ourselves and feel loved. What we know of as love existing between two individuals for each other, is simply love that exists within two individuals.

We are neither the givers nor takers of what love is. We are where that love is born, and we are where that loves flourishes. And in some cases, if it does not serve what we are, we see that the same love ceases to exist also. All that we do is to assign a reason to it which outside of us, to not bend our perception of what love is all about.

Feeling in love with someone, is what is completely an independent feeling of ours. Likewise, others also have their own respective feelings to feel that love for us or not. It indeed is a beautiful thing if these two independent feelings complement each other. What it creates is an environment within us where our own love grows and is nourished making us more loving and caring. But while it must be cherished, it should not be dependent on anything external. The question of reciprocation arises, only when something is given out or done, for love that JUST HAPPENS, there must be no dependency on anything to support it to stay and thrive.

If there is any give and take in love, it is about GIVING ourselves the acknowledgement that we carry love within ourselves and TAKING pride through ourselves that we allow it to grow and flourish within us.

I sincerely hope that we all acknowledge what love truly is and understand all its magnificence that gets created within us, when we understand that it is independent of anything or anyone, that is outside of us.

Soak into this lovely feeling of being the love!

Stay Safe! Love!

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