Strength! A quality that each one of us wishes to possess. And though I strongly believe that be it physical strength or mental strength or even strength in character, each one of us holds some form on strength, though it may vary in its intensity. 

The last month or so has challenged me by putting me on a test as far as my personal strength is concerned. And if I use ‘hard’ as the word for the difficulty level of these tests, I feel I will be going easy on evaluating it. Anyways, what I wish to talk about is not what life presented me with in the last few weeks, instead what I learnt from all of that.

There is no doubt that with all the challenges that came forward, it did test me on the mental strength. What I also realized that no matter what name we call it, Emotional, Mental, Physical, Character, etc., each of these is finally about what we are made of. One of these personality traits get affected, and the other one cannot remain untouched.

Yes, it is indeed is a blessing to understand how strong you are concerning these various aspects of your own self. What is also very important is to know how to use these strengths during our lifetime. It is equally critical to be consciously aware of your potency level, and not become doubtful when it comes to making the best use of your strengths.

The best use of our strengths! Yes, that is what is most important in all of this. Some sincere introspection and an honest indeed connect with our within, will help us understand what we possess, what it does not tell us is how to use what we hold. 

I have seen and known many people who take pride in showing their strengths, and in fact look for opportunities where they can display the basket of beautifully decorated strengths that they either got through inherited genes, or they actually worked hard to practice and acquire, and make it a part of their personality. The irony is that I had also seen the very same people, not being able to use those same very strengths when it was actually needed. Those were the times when they faced some challenges in life, and life presented them with a chance to make the best use of their strengths to come out victorious. Sadly, a huge number fails when it is most needed.

That creates this thought of what is the best use of our strengths? What do we do with these gems in our personality? Do we just use them as a piece that helps us glorify ourselves for audience displays? The reply most obviously is ‘NO’. Our strengths are not meant to be used for a public display or to polish our egos. We are blessed with them so that they can be utilized when we actually need them in life. They are supposed to be put into use when the challenges of life are out there, wanting to test what we are made up of.

Strengths are not meant to be used as swords but are best honoured when we use them as shields to protect ourselves in the times of adversity. Our strengths should not make us someone who creates wars. They should instead make us into warriors, who defend every attack that come their way, to not be defeated and thus come out winners.

It is a good habit for all of us to reflect and understand what strengths we hold in our personality. And once we become aware of these gems, we must introspect with complete honesty to understand how we use them in our lives. 

Love to all! Stay Safe! 

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