
Last night, I was asked a question about the two different thoughts that had shared in the past few days. The question was asked assuming that the two are contradictory, and though I am advocating not seeking only happiness in one, I have talked about deciding to be always happy in the other one. Though, I feel I was able to make her understand while she asked me yesterday, I thought it is appropriate to expand further into it, so that I present complete clarity on this to all.

The first thought talked about ‘We not living life to the fullest if we seek only happy times from our lives’. And what I exactly meant by that was the act of chasing happy moments. It is about that mad rush of only looking for things, places, people, moments, which will be able to give us the happiness that we all seek. What I have experienced in my own life is that the biggest irony is when we start to relate happiness to something which is outside of. It is trap, to be looking for and associating happiness to anything and everything which works like a happiness creating machine and works to provide us with some lighter and relaxed moments.

Unfortunately, what it does to not only make our happiness dependent on something or someone, but also most of the times, eludes us from believing that we can be happy without them also. It is in this very act of SEEKING, that we give ourselves the message of NOT HAVING. And the way it works in our system, is to not only to tell us that it exists in abundance somewhere else, but also make us believe that we lack it within ourselves too. This is the best representation of what is meant when it is said that ‘The grass seems greener on the other side.’

My thought above, mentioned about this very act of seeking happy times, which in fact leads to we being eluded of actual and lasting happiness, and thus not allowing us to live fuller and complete lives. Lives that comprise of all different kinds of experiences, but makes us capable of finding happiness in whatever situation we find ourselves in.

The second thought that was shared, a couple of days back, talked about everything which I mentioned above also. I experienced something in my own life, and thus as happens every day, my thought is either a reflection of my own life, or some insight that I gather from my coaching practice. Not that everything always is as we exactly desire in our life. Not that we will instantly always have everything, just like we want it to be. What we need to and must want to be is being a ‘happiness generating being’.

What I talked in that thought was to decide to be happy NOW and IN THE NOW. Which obviously also means that we must stop to make our happiness dependent on something happening in a certain way, or someone being a certain type. Happiness is something that should and must only be originating from within us. No matter what life throws at us, or what we have seen in the past, or even whatever we even assume to be happening to us in our future, our happiness shall be connected to that which is within us, is what we must all decide about. I have seen it for myself, and for many-many others whom I have coached, that the decision to be happy, not only makes us live the challenges of our life better, but eventually even starts to present us with more such situations that justify the happy state we are in.

Thus, rather than basing our happiness onto something which may or may not happen, a decision to always hang on to happiness, will bring to us from within us, that which we were expecting to be brought to us from somewhere outside.

I am all for acknowledging the challenges that come our way. At times in the form of people, and at times they are connected to things, what we must know is that what we seek from outside, already lies within us. And being happy is what we all are naturally made to be. Trying to be anything else, is making an extra effort to suppress that natural happy self of ours, which if allowed, will sprout on its own with no major effort.

I wish that each one of us, can decide to work on finding that happiness within us. There is no denying that it might have hidden itself deep inside somewhere, because of all the damage that we might tried to do until now. But the good news is, that it will still be unharmed, and will reveal itself in all its glory and magnificence, when given a supportive and loving hand to unleash itself.

And before I end, I want to thank this beautiful soul for bringing it up. It makes me have a feeling of gratitude, that what I share makes an impact on someone’s thoughts in a constructive way.

Stay Safe! Love to all!



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