Be Ever-Evolving….

Last couple of months have been a journey of deep within for me. Though I have always considered myself to be very aware of my own thoughts and perceptions about life, but what I experienced in the recent past is something which was even beyond my own awareness levels.

The space inside of us is so vast that one can never know enough and all of it. Moreover, our eagerness to be kept informed about all that happens in the outside world, makes this almost impossible for most to even know a bit of what their true self is. The self-concept and self-image get created because of the comparisons with the outside world, views of the people around us, and even our own perceptions because of our reactions to what happens around us.

My recent experiences in my coaching work have made me witness many such instances, where I have seen the kind of damage a false self-concept can do to a person. I came across several people who are either bearing self-inflicted pains or are living in a make-belief happy world, just because of their disconnect with the reality of who they are.

My natural inclination was to go deeper into this and try and find out what brings people to this level of disconnect from their truest version. What is that makes people lose their sense of true-self, and then helps them stay away from it? I wondered why the need to live their most authentic self does not arise in them.

The route I chose to come to any understanding of it, was to go within and find out the answers that best served my ability to comprehend. And what came out, when I went inside was what compelled me to stay further with this and keep exploring. And though the journey is still on and will always be, the insights I have got are enough for me to share my own experiences with this.

I went in with several questions, but what showed up was not an answer to any of those. Instead, what I encountered was the revelation that despite of being so very well connected with my own sense of self, there was a lot more for me to explore and know about my own self. The parts of self which either never showed up, or were pushed away by me till now, or those that I had ignored because of my own self-concept. And it is this rendezvous which opened the floodgates, and took into even deeper spaces of me within, which were till now unexplored or unknown to me.

My intention here today is not to reveal what all I came across. But to bring to your awareness, that to have a fixed self-concept, is as un-serving as not having a self-concept is. If people with no self-concept live a life of disconnect, having a fixed self-concept can be as detrimental to one’s continued evolution as a human being.

For anyone, who lives a connected and conscious life, there will always be new experiences and new encounters happening around. And all these experiences have the power to activate something within us, which may not had been a part of mindful awareness about ourselves. It is in situations like this that we experience ourselves having acted or reacted in a manner, which was not us. Or I should say, we believe that it was not us. But the matter of fact is that there is no one else sitting inside you, that can trigger any reactions. What got activated was a part of you which was either ignored or was simply never accessed inside of you.

To go deep within, or may I say deeper within, can either be a matter of choice or a result of triggers like this. Whatever may be the reason, my recent experiences tell me that this continuous self-exploration helps us to understand the world and people around us in a much better way. And the only reason behind this improved level of understanding is our own enhanced understanding of ourselves.

The dynamism of our self-concept is a blessing and must be used as a tool to have better connection with ourselves as well as the people and situations that we come across in our journey. I have found this to be a very interesting journey for me, and one which shall continue till I last.

I welcome anyone who would want me to partner with them in their own endeavor of self-exploration and would be happy to have a talk to explore the possibilities together.

Stay Safe!Love to all!


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