
There comes a time in our life when we feel the urge to change the way we have been living. This can possibly be because of something not working in our current set-up or it may also be because of our desire to explore something new in our life.

What I am experiencing these days is something which is a mix of both. There have been things in my life which have served me well and have seen the best of me, but it does not feel the same anymore. At the same time, I feel a pull towards living in a way which may not be very much like what I have been living until now.

This combination of a push and a pull has been working around me for quite some time now, and it was my conscious choice to not rush into any decision on it. I wanted to see if this is just a phase and will fade away or is it something which I choose to call a shift in me.

I think I am beginning to get clarity on that and would be able to give words to my thoughts soon.

Anyways why I chose to share this in today’s blog is because I have been a witness to several transformational journeys of my clients, and I felt it to be appropriate to share my experience for anyone who might be going through the same phase currently.

What happens when such phase comes in our life?

A few signs of it are:

  • We start to question why we are losing interest in what we do.
  • Procrastination engulfs our mind, and it becomes thoughts over actions.
  • The disinterest starts to impact other areas of our life.
  • We do not stop to act but often question our action after having done something.
  • There seems to be clarity about why we want to do something, but not enough about what we want to do.

If you notice, all the above mentioned have one thing in common and that is a disinterest in our present circumstances.

Though I firmly believe that transformation finds its roots in pain, and thus we must not neglect or avoid pain, but instead try and understand it completely to allow for whatever it is meant to serve us. But what is also true is that we need to be mindful of not getting stuck with the pain. Our honest intention of letting pain do its work should not get converted into unmindful allowing for pain to find a permanent abode within us.

In my case, because of all the being level experiences I get on daily basis, it was easier to receive the message from pain, and then make it serve me instead of making me a prisoner to it. But I also acknowledge, that for those who are busy creating a living for themselves and their loved ones, such phases can become a deterrent to their current as well as further peace of mind.

My only message for those who find themselves in such phases of doubt, disinterest and confusion is to not get overwhelmed with it. The best way to approach such times is to bring a few practices into your life. Some of those are:

  • Slow down and make a deliberate effort to not rush into thoughts or actions.
  • Give a structure to all the random thoughts and keep coming and start journaling.
  • Re-visit your written thoughts after an interval, and discard those which do not connect anymore.
  • Try and answer the ‘why’ behind ‘what’ is happening inside you.
  • Make a list of ten proud, successful, and joyous moments of your life, and ten of those where you felt disheartened, having failed and regretful. Reviewing this list in silence, will bring a lot on insights for you.

Change is a way of life, and we all must strive to keep changing whenever it feels like the time for it. Being mindful can help us to manage these changes better and use them as transformational points in our life’s journey towards fulfillment.

My own experience says that these phases of transformation can become your thought album to go back to and cherish. We must receive and welcome such phases with our best version and allow them to serve us the way they originally intended to, without much interference from our end.

I wish that anyone who finds themselves in such a phase in any space of their life, finds today’s read to be a helpful one.

And till we connect again(which might be after a few weeks), be joyous and stay safe.

Much love,

DeepCoach RB


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