Life has been quite interesting in the last few days. My world of life coaching yet again gave me the privilege of coming across varied human behaviour. Yes indeed, we do see different people behaving in different ways, but it gets intriguing when the same pattern is seen in one individual with a high level of frequency of change. The last ten days or so made me come across multiple such instances, and as always, I know that for me all this happens for a reason.

Though I am still not sure, what is Life’s agenda behind this, one belief of mine that I have been practising in my life for quite many years got strengthen even more in all this. And that belief is ‘To not be guilty about having a change in emotions, feelings, thoughts, perceptions, etc.’ I have, not sure how many years now, practised honouring my momentary thoughts and feelings, and not rubbish them just because they show a deviation from what I was earlier.

Several of my experiences with people had shown me the restlessness that they create for themselves by resisting a change that they know is happening within themselves. The very fact that there is a departure from how they were earlier, gives them enough a reason to not have a rendezvous with the new them, they are becoming. The denial of one’s truth, just because it does not look and feel the same as its previous version, has made many lives remain unfulfilled. It has always surprised me to see, how comfortably a lot of people can deny them their inner truth. It is astonishing to come across the kind of reasons and excuses, and worldly arrangements that one can cite to ensure that their truth does not knock at their minds and hearts.

In my understanding of the whole situation, one common factor that binds it all the shame of not being constant. The feeling that the evolution of thoughts is considered as instability of the mind. The perception that frequent change in feelings and emotions are signs of a flickering mind. 

Wow, what an irony! A life phenomenon that has the potential to bring immense fulfilment in our lives, is left to stay unattended and even starve without the deserved attention. 

I feel blessed to be in a position where lately I have been able to help people discover their ability to honour their truth, and the change this truth goes through as they move ahead in life. Several of my conversations have had this realization, as the basis of getting to the solutions that people are seeking. It is so rewarding to see people understand that the change that is resisting, has already happened in them. This knocking at the door is not by a guest, but by a member of that house itself. It is no outsider who is wanting to come in, but an insider who wants to make her presence felt.

Last week has been sacred. I have witnessed a couple of those people who I partnered with, in their journey, have started to honour their evolving selves. They no more are allowing anything in them to stop them from expressing their reformed thoughts and feelings. What makes me happiest is that they have resolved to go through any initial hiccups that they may face in the form of sarcasm and directed statements. I have seen it happen earlier, and I am just waiting when very soon even they are going to be astonished by the realization that it is not very difficult for those who matter to us, and to whom we matter, to acknowledge and embrace our most authentic and evolving version.

I sincerely hope to be able to help this transformation happen with many more of those who get connected to me and to even those who do not, because of my belief that every fulfilled soul helps makes another live accomplished.

Love to all! Stay safe!

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