Room for Improvement…

‘There is always room for improvement.’ I have heard this saying since years beyond my remembrance now. And though, I never actually questioned it, lately my belief in this has grown immensely because of the life experiences I have had. 


Largely because of my interactions and experiences in the field of work, but I have seen huge possibilities of further improvement both in myself as well as others that I have come across. This includes people and things, whom I have seen grow in the last few years, and I thought that maybe they have reached where they were meant to be. My experiences of recent past have made me believe that there is much more to still be done or yet to be accomplished.


This room, I mean the room for improvement as I see it now is in fact the biggest room possible in the house of one’s personality. Having embraced the idea of continued improvement, the question that came to my mind was that what was it which made me think otherwise about this whole thing. What would have led me to be content with the progress I saw either in myself or in others, and thus think that there is no further possibility, or the pinnacle has been achieved.


The answer to these questions and some more like these, made me understand this whole thing a lot better, and that is exactly what makes me share my learnings with you today. My desire to share it with my world is based on two things, one, my endeavor to help people live fulfilling lives, and second, awareness about it may help some to reflect on themselves and those around, and thus bring the necessary improvements that are still possible to happen.


The first thing, which I realized took my eye away from looking at further improvement was that whatever I saw having been achieved was somewhere already beyond my earlier expectations, and thus my own standards as far as reaching satisfaction and contentment was concerned, were very low. The pleasure of having seen betterment, which fitted my own outlook, deterred me from seeking further improvement at all, and be content with what already is.


The second reason, attached to an element of surprise was that whatever improvement I saw came to surface at a time when subconsciously I had stopped to expect or have any hopes of anything changing for good ever. My multiple past experiences of having been disappointed must have led to such thoughts of mine, but what it also did was for me to surprise me and catch me off-guard, thus not being sure how to make any sense out of whatever good I saw happening.


The next reason, which is very true, no matter how silly looks like here, was the self-denial mode of not acknowledging the improvements that were very clearly showing up for themselves, both in people as well as myself. And this denial mode which led to not even seeing what was clearly showing itself, obviously could not allow me to look for anything further or beyond.


The last, but another very important reason behind this which I could identify was a fear of obsession for perfection. I understood that my belief that perfection is a place arrogance and pride, also made me think that the process of continued improvement eventually culminates at perfection. And it was my disconnect with the feelings of obsession and pride, which made me distance myself from expecting or desiring continuous improvement.


All these reasons, getting together created a situation for me which made me overlook the possibility of ever ongoing improvement. But having got this understanding, I have pledged to shift from the zone of contentment and satisfaction to a place which applauds the present level of improvement, and then encourages for the next level to be strived for.


This makes me feel much lighter, and allows me to stay afloat, being ready to acknowledge and embrace mine as well as others’ improvements, while keeping a room for further improvement.


I hope that today’s read will propel you to reflect and understand your own relationship with this sense of ongoing improvement. And whatever comes out of it subsequently, will help you feel a little more fulfilled.


Stay Safe!

Love, RB.









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There are always two sides to each person. This is one statement that I have heard …

‘Presenting your most authentic version is the biggest gift you can give to your relationships, as …

Relationships! No matter what type and kind they are, have their own share of ups and …


Last couple of weeks for me has been full of travel and a lot of unplanned activities that needed my attention. And it is when things like these happen that one thing which is needed the most, has the potential to be ignored the most too. I am talking about discipline.

Yes, this is one aspect of my life, which I have always been happy about with myself for a long-long time in my life. But what I have experienced lately is that despite of wanting to be disciplined with a lot of things, I have somehow allowed for myself to not be that in many situations.

So, I chose today’s blog to be as much of a reminder and reinforcement to myself, as it is written for anyone who reads it, and can take whatever makes sense to them in what I share. The role that discipline plays to keep our lives meaningful and mindful, and the experiences I have had having lived both a life with and without discipline, is what strengthens my belief about its importance in our life.

I have always believed that discipline must eventually become our natural way of being, even if in its early stages it is something which we practice consciously to adopt as a habit in our life. My reason behind saying that it must come naturally to us is that anything which is continued to be superficially present in our life, leaves sooner or later. And even till the time it stays, it does not impact our lives as much as it could naturally have.

My very own experience with discipline or I should say lack of discipline is that there are few factors which always make their presence felt whenever indiscipline shows up in my life. The top three which I would like to share today are, prioritizing fun above passion, not being mindful of how you are spending your time, and last but very important, not holding oneself accountable.

When I talk of fun, I am pointing towards meaningless fun. Meaningless in the form of being directionless, or being overdone, or being done for the sake of it. While practicing one’s passion can be a huge source of fun, but indiscipline generally takes us to forms of fun which we do not connect naturally to us.

Time consciousness is something which suffers the most as soon as indiscipline knocks at our doors. We start to borrow time from things which need our attention and give it to that which does not contribute to our development or mindful living in anyway.

Lastly, our self-accountability takes a huge hit, for us to allow ourselves to be away from discipline. We either do not realize that we are hanging on indiscipline in how we are being, or to make things even worse, when this truth shows up on itself, we do whatever it takes to deflect it away, and live in a make-believe world that all is well.

A genuine practice of self-reflection and in case if traces of any of these three is found, taking charge of oneself, and practicing self-honesty, is what can take care not only these three, but many more such reasons which can allow us to make space for indiscipline in our lives.

I have decided to pull myself up and allow my most natural disciplined self to take charge. And I hope that anyone who reads today’s blog and finds any resonance with it, will try and introspect to locate any such traces, and subsequently will correct them for good.

Take care. Be safe.

Love, RB!

Recent Posts


Perspective, our own unique way of looking at things. When I call it unique it does …



Perspective, our own unique way of looking at things. When I call it unique it does …


The true strength of forgiveness…

Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.’ There …



Perspective, our own unique way of looking at things. When I call it unique it does mean that it cannot be influenced by the opinion of others. But the most important factors that create our perspectives are the experiences that we have had in our life, and the expectations we have.


It is our perspective about things, situations, and people, that makes us experience things in the way that best suits our mindset, or expectations. It is one of the greatest manipulators of our mind, that holds a space within us with our consent and then drives how we see our life as.


Today’s topic of perspective comes from a movie I recently watched on television. The movie is about a cricket player, who is shown to be fighting odds, to regain and reestablish his career in cricket. One of the very few scenes that made an impact on me was when the hero of the film, completes his knock and comes bac to the pavilion after a successful outing.


He saves his team the day and everyone except one of the head selectors, congratulates him on his success. The accolades were not only for his own personal knock, but also the fact that it saved his team from a loss and turned the result upside down.


To give a little background, the time he went to bat, his team was not in good shape and the need of the hour was to not loose further wickets and save the day surviving. And that was the message given by everyone to this player, while he left for the pitch. ‘Do not lose your wicket.’


The next 10 minutes of the movie was all about his flamboyant shot making and huge sixes and great boundaries, and thus making it a great display of exciting batting. It did not only save the day for his team, but also turned the match in their favor.


While everyone congratulated this hero batsman and said, ‘well played’, that head selector asked him, ’Do you think you played well?’ Your adventure put the whole team at risk. What did I tell you?’, and the hero batsman replied, Sir, you told do not lose your wicket.’ And there it was. The next thing that came out of the selector’s mouth was, ‘Well played.’


Just a movie scene. But tells us so much about perspective and how we look at life and thus create our experiences. The way I looked at it, I understood that the intention of both, the player as well as the selector was same. ‘Not to lose the wicket.’ But their perception about what will make that happen differed and thus created a different experience for both. The selector’s perception about not losing the wicket was to play defensive, while hero batsman’s natural game was to attack and thus his perspective was to play his natural game if he must not lose his wicket.


Nothing wrong with either. But what it created was a very different experience for two individuals while the match was being played. While one was enjoying his batting, playing attacking shots to retain his wicket, the other person was always tensed thinking that this was not the right way to preserve the wicket.


This was just a match, and that too in a movie. But in life also the exact happens for us. Or I should say, the exact is created by us for ourselves. It is a very different thing when the desires are different, but when the similarity of what is desired also creates a different experience, this can be totally avoided by being mindful.


A good way to do it to step out of the self-zone at times, and look at things, situations, and people from an independent third perspective. This practice enables us to give a chance to look at our own perception of things from an outsider’s view, and thus give it a chance to be molded for our best experience. 


It is true that even the third perspective, which is outside of us will have an impression of our self, and won’t be completely independent, but it still serves because it starts with an acknowledgement that our perspective is not the only perspective, and eventually it strengthens into a habit which is supported by our newer experiences which are much more joyous and fuller.


Stay happy!

Love to all!












Recent Posts

There are always two sides to each person. This is one statement that I have heard …

‘Presenting your most authentic version is the biggest gift you can give to your relationships, as …

Relationships! No matter what type and kind they are, have their own share of ups and …

The true strength of forgiveness…

Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.’ There is nothing disagreeable in this statement, although I personally feel that it is yet to be understood in its totality by even many of those who agree to it.


I am choosing this to be the topic of today’s blog, because a very interesting conversation happened during one of my coaching sessions, which revolved around the act of forgiveness. The way that talk evolved presented so many thoughts to ponder over, and I was blessed to have experienced such great insights into the whole aspect of forgiveness.


The quote that I used above, has two important words which I feel need to be understood and looked at in a very different manner, for the essence of this statement to be understood rightly. These two words are ‘forgiveness’ and ‘strong’.


Let me first pick the word ‘forgiveness’. Without a doubt as soon as we think of this word, it brings to our mind the letting go of a feeling of anger, hatred, or disappointment, that we were holding against someone. The reasons behind such negative emotions can be our unpleasant experiences with those people, the wrongdoing of others towards us, our trust being broken, etc. All these lead to us having some sort of unserving emotions, or feelings for the people in question. 


What we know on the face of it is that whatever we the name of that negative emotion or feeling, is being directed towards someone else. Yes, it is absolutely true. But another truth that we overlook is that though the target of all this negativity is someone else, it is we ourselves, who are the beholder of the very same negative emotion, before, during and even after we have aimed it at others.


That brings me to think of forgiveness now. And when the anger or hatred, or whatever we may choose to call it, starts from us before being directed outwards, how can forgiveness be there directly and only for others? So, to justify the meaning of the word ’forgiveness’, we must ensure that we first acknowledge forgiving ourselves for holding a grudge before we can even think of forgiving someone else for the wrong that they might have done.


We did no less damage to ourselves, by being angry, or disappointed, or hating, than what others might have inflicted upon us by being wrong towards us. As a matter of fact, our own wrongdoing is much worse because that happens in a zone of unconsciousness, and thus the ill effects also go unnoticed, without any damage control.


Coming to the other word ‘strong’, likewise my own understanding about this is a little different than what is generally understood in the statement above. On the face of it, it seems that to forgive is a symbol of strength, because it takes courage to let go of our resentment or bitterness for someone, due to what we perceive was done by them to us. My perspective on this is that the strength is not because we are able to let go, in fact the strength lies in acknowledging that by we allowed ourselves to host negativity, because of someone else’s actions.


General tendency is to look at we and show ourselves as the messiah of mercy and pardon, by practicing forgiveness. We take pride in letting go and not taking revenge for the wrong done to us. But what we also need to acknowledge, for me what takes real strength is to understand that what we are letting go, is what we once allowed ourselves to hold on to, and get ourselves to get angry about, thus not living our highest version.


Letting go indeed is a potent way of living in peace and harmony, but it’s true magnificence can only be experienced when we combine it with the acknowledgement of having allowed ourselves to get impacted by someone else’s actions to begin with. This strength that we display by the way of this acknowledgement, helps us to make a wise call of being mindful before we allow something alike impact us ever again. And according to me, that is where true strength lies.


My conversation with that client of mine, was an interesting one, and what was even more satisfying is when he told me that he has decided to look at other aspects of his life too and see where all he can live this saying of Mahatma Gandhi, according to his newfound understanding of it.


I am glad that my perspective helped a person look at this with a fresh and enabling outlook, and I hope that something in today’s blog will resonate with you, making you reflect deeper and take whatever is meant for you from it.


Happy to contribute towards a fulfilling life for yourself!

Love, RB.


















Recent Posts

There are always two sides to each person. This is one statement that I have heard …

‘Presenting your most authentic version is the biggest gift you can give to your relationships, as …

Relationships! No matter what type and kind they are, have their own share of ups and …

Be in love with the secrets of life…

‘How to become friends with our confused state of mind? How to let go of the impatient need to always reach a state of clarity?’ These are the questions put up by a client friend of mine and requested me to share my thoughts in this week’s blog.

Well, I am surely going to share my experience and what I have learnt about this, but my answer to this starts with a question, and which is that ‘Why is it important to become friends with our confused state of mind? Or why is there a need to let go of the impatient need to always reach a state of clarity?’

And I ask these questions, because I have always believed that once the reason is known, it gets much easier to understand and process, whatever comes to our mind. The how is where the doing is connected to, but the why is what emerges from our being. And there is absolutely nothing in this world which cannot be embraced once its connection with our being is established clearly.

So while I leave this question open for this friend of mine, as well as everyone else who got interested in this question, I will move forward now to sharing my own insights and experience with the state of confusion and need of clarity.

Not very long back, if someone asked me to pick one shortcoming of mine, which disturbs me the most, I would have said that I am very bad with taking suspense in my life. Though I won’t call it confusion, but clarity is what I always sought in everything that ever came near to me. Just for an example, if someone would just text me saying that they wish to share something with me, and will do so later, it would irk me to unimaginable levels. All my time from that text message, till I got to know what it was all about would go with heavy breaths.

And it is when I decided to take this matter to be resolved and pick this part of my personality to undergo a transformation, I realized what all was behind it. Having got to know the reasons, I understood that it all got connected to my way of being, and once that was established it automatically led to shift in my being.

I recognized that my reason behind getting unsettled by such suspense was my anticipation of something being wrong somewhere. And because I never knew what it exactly was, it was not very difficult for my mind to assume the worst possible of what could happen and start creating thoughts about what all wrong can happen again. Yes, the word to be mindful of here is ‘again’.

Reflecting on my own life, and though today I am thankful of each and everything that I have come across in this life, I could see that all the bad chapters, or the tough times that I had been through, had left their impressions on me. And I could clearly connect that not even a single mishappening in my life came after knocking the door. Each time I had a difficulty starting at me, it all always sprung as a surprise. A surprise which always got converted into a shock and eventually shook a lot in my world, before it could finally settle.

‘Pleasant’ as a prefix to the word surprise ceased to exist for me. My subconscious mind allowed my being to get alert whenever there was an element of surprise staring at me. My being erected its defenses to keep itself safe and be prepared for whatever wrong may be in store with that surprise. Such was the impact of it that I have had sleepless nights over surprises, that eventually then turned out to be pleasant too. My strategy to avoid such times for myself, was an instant question to whoever was holding on to the surprise, ’Hoping that everything is, ok?’ And a ‘Yes’ to this could make me relax a little.

I realized that I was living in a cage, expecting a surprise to always bring something bad to me. Was this what I wanted for myself? The answer was as clear as it could get, a crystal-clear NO. And that led to this shift in my being. I allowed myself to not keep protecting myself from this. I gave myself the permission to be vulnerable. As this was the only way I could live the way I wanted. A life that embraces it all. A life that wishes to take all it can and give all it has.

For me it all got resolved, when I reflected upon my being and saw its non-alignment with my life’s purpose. And that same is what I feel is the process and means for anyone who wishes to find an answer to this question for themselves. Yes, there can be many ways in our doing which can help us on this path, and I am happy to coach anyone who wishes to untangle themselves from this space. But as I said at the very beginning, it all starts from our being, and to be able to access that core of ours is the first step and eventually will lead to all further that can be done to answer the question.

As a coach, I believe that each life is unique and thus there will be a unique answer to this question for each one of us. I shared my perspective, so that it leads to your own innermost self, and helps you to find out that which works best for you.

If you would like to connect with me and discuss more about this space, feel free to write to me at [email protected] or WhatsApp me at +91 74119 78119 .

Take care!

Love to All.








Recent Posts

There are always two sides to each person. This is one statement that I have heard …

‘Presenting your most authentic version is the biggest gift you can give to your relationships, as …

Relationships! No matter what type and kind they are, have their own share of ups and …

Be Ever-Evolving….

Last couple of months have been a journey of deep within for me. Though I have always considered myself to be very aware of my own thoughts and perceptions about life, but what I experienced in the recent past is something which was even beyond my own awareness levels.

The space inside of us is so vast that one can never know enough and all of it. Moreover, our eagerness to be kept informed about all that happens in the outside world, makes this almost impossible for most to even know a bit of what their true self is. The self-concept and self-image get created because of the comparisons with the outside world, views of the people around us, and even our own perceptions because of our reactions to what happens around us.

My recent experiences in my coaching work have made me witness many such instances, where I have seen the kind of damage a false self-concept can do to a person. I came across several people who are either bearing self-inflicted pains or are living in a make-belief happy world, just because of their disconnect with the reality of who they are.

My natural inclination was to go deeper into this and try and find out what brings people to this level of disconnect from their truest version. What is that makes people lose their sense of true-self, and then helps them stay away from it? I wondered why the need to live their most authentic self does not arise in them.

The route I chose to come to any understanding of it, was to go within and find out the answers that best served my ability to comprehend. And what came out, when I went inside was what compelled me to stay further with this and keep exploring. And though the journey is still on and will always be, the insights I have got are enough for me to share my own experiences with this.

I went in with several questions, but what showed up was not an answer to any of those. Instead, what I encountered was the revelation that despite of being so very well connected with my own sense of self, there was a lot more for me to explore and know about my own self. The parts of self which either never showed up, or were pushed away by me till now, or those that I had ignored because of my own self-concept. And it is this rendezvous which opened the floodgates, and took into even deeper spaces of me within, which were till now unexplored or unknown to me.

My intention here today is not to reveal what all I came across. But to bring to your awareness, that to have a fixed self-concept, is as un-serving as not having a self-concept is. If people with no self-concept live a life of disconnect, having a fixed self-concept can be as detrimental to one’s continued evolution as a human being.

For anyone, who lives a connected and conscious life, there will always be new experiences and new encounters happening around. And all these experiences have the power to activate something within us, which may not had been a part of mindful awareness about ourselves. It is in situations like this that we experience ourselves having acted or reacted in a manner, which was not us. Or I should say, we believe that it was not us. But the matter of fact is that there is no one else sitting inside you, that can trigger any reactions. What got activated was a part of you which was either ignored or was simply never accessed inside of you.

To go deep within, or may I say deeper within, can either be a matter of choice or a result of triggers like this. Whatever may be the reason, my recent experiences tell me that this continuous self-exploration helps us to understand the world and people around us in a much better way. And the only reason behind this improved level of understanding is our own enhanced understanding of ourselves.

The dynamism of our self-concept is a blessing and must be used as a tool to have better connection with ourselves as well as the people and situations that we come across in our journey. I have found this to be a very interesting journey for me, and one which shall continue till I last.

I welcome anyone who would want me to partner with them in their own endeavor of self-exploration and would be happy to have a talk to explore the possibilities together.

Stay Safe!Love to all!


Recent Posts

There are always two sides to each person. This is one statement that I have heard …

‘Presenting your most authentic version is the biggest gift you can give to your relationships, as …

Relationships! No matter what type and kind they are, have their own share of ups and …

A new beginning….

Last few months have been all about the most awesome journey that I took, of understanding one’s being from a totally new perspective. Yes, it all started in the form of a so-called ‘professional development’, but all it has done is to bring huge levels of ‘personal development’. The thoughts kept getting bigger and the journey kept getting deeper, and that is what prompted me to take this break from expressing myself through the Sunday Brunch and the Podcasts and come back when I feel ready.

Not that the internal work I am at will stop ever for me, but having deliberated a lot on it all, I have finally decided to bring back both the Sunday brunch as well as the podcasts. Though the pattern and the frequency of it will change, as I wish to make it even more deep and focused.

Thus, keeping in mind all of this, from the next week onwards, both the Sunday Brunch as well as the podcast will come under the umbrella of The Self-Accessment Initiative with CoachRB, and the frequency of it will be fortnightly. Which means that both the podcast as well as the Sunday Brunch will be released every Sunday, on alternate basis, starting with the Sunday Brunch on the coming Sunday, i.e.,10th April 2022.

What I wish to invite through today’s communication is for you to share with me what is it that you would want me to share my experiences with you about. Although I am very sure that I will have enough life-affirming stuff to speak about and write on, because of the experiences I gain through my life-coaching practice, I would be happy to use my expression on what anyone of you would want to receive through these channels.

For the Sunday Brunch you can always email me or WhatsApp me, whatever you would want to be covered and in the case of the podcast, I request for a voice note to be recorded and sent to me so that I can use the same and initiate the podcast related to it. In both the cases, you are welcome to keep your name unmentioned, in case you wish to maintain your privacy.

I would also like to take this opportunity to share the next plan I have as a part of The Self-Accessment Initiative with CoachRB. It was totally possible for me to simply launch it as and when I had planned to, but my intention with this is to bring into practice my newest learning of enabling my efforts through voicing them out loud to the world, and thus ensuring that I give myself the best opportunity to make it come through.

So come July 2022, and I shall start a Vlog series that gets added to the Self-Accessment initiative with CoachRB and will bring another medium for anyone who would feel more comfortable having an audio-visual combination as the platform. The exact structure and form of it shall be shared in due time, and it goes without saying that recommendations/suggestions are always embraced well.

I wish you a very happy Sunday and thank you for being my partner in this journey of mine. I feel privileged and blessed to seek your support and partnership going on.

Love all the way!

Be Blessed!






Recent Posts

There are always two sides to each person. This is one statement that I have heard …

‘Presenting your most authentic version is the biggest gift you can give to your relationships, as …

Relationships! No matter what type and kind they are, have their own share of ups and …

The Third Angle….

Perspectives! Our own unique way of looking at things, people, situations around us. And if we look at it from an even micro view, we will see that this is one big factor that defines the kind of life we decide to live. I am consciously choosing my words here because I believe strongly that it is we who decide what perspective to have for something.

This decision can surely be either a conscious one or something which is driven by the experiences we have been through. In most cases, it is the latter that influences how we perceive things. And though the experience is a great thing to have, what we allow it to do to us, is something we need to be careful about.

Not everything that we see with our eyes is true. And that is simply because our truth about it is nothing but just how we perceive it to be. Likewise, everything that we have seen till now in our lives, may or may not be true, because it does not only have an imprint of our own perceptions but of many others too, as we get influenced by the experiences and opinions of others, during our journey to where we are.

Why am I sharing about perspectives today? It is because of my own experiences with it during the last one week or so. Almost everything that has happened in the last week, and honestly all of it has been profound, has everything to do with just one word, perspective.

Things have been a roller-coaster, as has always been for me in my life, but this time, I have been able to give myself some moments of reflection, being detached from the experience itself. How this helps me is to not be biased and look at things only from my perspective, neither does it make me try and accommodate the differing perspective, because of my genuine love and care for them. What happens in this kind of reflection is that one gets to see the situation for what it is, and thus make sense of what wants to show up through this.

I must admit that it is a very arduous path to walk on, and I am satisfied that I am able to stay on it for some bits and moments, but then the magic of this space is so much, that even a short stay here gives one so much clarity that it seems to have been impossible if there was a bias attached to it.

I had originally planned to not do the Sunday brunch today, as I am planning to change the frequency and structure of it somewhat, but then I could not stop myself from keeping this huge insight that I found, closed to myself.

The process involves a lot of courage, and determination, as placing oneself away from a biased space can present many chances of either feeling ashamed or getting into the blame game. But then if one has confidence in the purity of what you share with the situation, thing, or the person involved, it gives all the strength that is desired and required for this practice to happen.

I am still in this process, while I write the blog today and share it with you, and I have a very strong belief that I will be able to emerge as a much more righteous, truthful, understanding, and supportive being.

I hope and pray, and we all get the strength to live life from a space that holds such a huge possibility of allowing our blissful lives, in harmony with ourselves as well as others.

I would be happy to share my experiences of it all further, with anyone who would want to connect with me on a phone call or a video session.

And while I delve deeper into this space, I wish you a very happy and safe week ahead.

Stay Safe!

Love, RB!


Recent Posts

There are always two sides to each person. This is one statement that I have heard …

‘Presenting your most authentic version is the biggest gift you can give to your relationships, as …

Relationships! No matter what type and kind they are, have their own share of ups and …

The Love he was… he is….

It might not be a Saturday morning, which is for a podcast, and it may not even be the time for Sunday brunch, when the blog comes to you on a weekly basis. But that is what happens, when one is travelling long crossing seas, moving through changing time zones. It could have been an easy skip for me this week, but what makes me share my thoughts, which otherwise would have been a part of both the podcast as well as the blog this week, is my unconditional and unquestioned love for this work of wisdom.


The words to be kept in mind though are unconditional and unquestioned love. And there was no better time for me to share my thoughts on this, than this week which for me symbolizes what true, undiluted love means. The week passing by marked the 4th year of the passing away of my four-legged brother. Even his name ‘VEER’ meant the same. And though I say it is his passing away, I merely talk about the physical form in which he blessed my life for the years he stayed with me. I have always believed and felt, and that is what I always say, ‘HE STAYS.’


It was Veer who showed me what the definition of love is. That which we seek and do much for to either receive or give, can be so easily practiced is what I always saw in him. And I am consciously not saying that I learnt that from him, Because I know I have a long way to go before I could even see myself close enough to the kind of love he displayed.


This love was not only for me or my mom. I never saw one person who he met, that did not get the same, intense, raw love from him, and even gave the same in return to him. Such was Veer’s aura that anyone who ever got to meet him, became his and made him theirs’. People who he met often, and people who he met just once. There was never a ‘getting to know’ kind of phase for him. He instantly chose and created love around him, wherever and with whoever it was.


And this one big learning for life, which I have been trying to imbibe in my life, that I feel is my way of saying a ‘Thank You’ to Veer for having chosen me as his for a part of my life, and all his. I am still not there, but I promise him each time I try and fail to do so, that I will keep at it, and make him proud someday. 


When I look back at his life, all I see is love and compassion. He had been a protector. He had been a source of strength. He had been a symbol of good times. And what he was, and he remains is a representation of loving without boundaries. He lived short, but he lived big. And though I know that I can never match his bigness on that, I wish that I am able to keep him close to me ever and always, by being somewhat like what he was.


It is not that I get tears whenever I think of him. In fact, often, his thoughts bring a smile to me, and what that tells me is the lasting effects of the happiness he spread while he breathed. I must admit though, that I am writing this with tears in my eyes, as not missing him does not come easy also. 


My intention behind sharing about Veer was not only to pay a tribute to his life, which carries on in his memories within each and every person who ever touched him. Or I should say, he ever touched. What I also intend is to pass on this thought of reflecting on the kind of love we practice in our lives. It would be good and worth enough to ask ourselves, if we have allowed any dilution of the quality of love in our lives. Are we even mindful of what love is? Are we actually calling something else with the name of love? 


And though these questions may bring up replies, which we feel either good or not so good about. The purpose behind asking this is to not feel bad if we see the quality of our love having got diluted. My sole intention and purpose, which stems from my belief that ‘it is never late’, is to see what comes up, and then allow what wants to happens.


It is not wrong if the love has changed to care. It is not wrong if love has given way to support. What is even wrong in a desire of someone, having taken place of what started with nothing but undiluted love. To me there is absolutely nothing wrong in any of these, as all of it also is our own reality. But yes, if these revelations, create a desire to bring things back to how they were. To get back to the times when we practiced and experienced pure, undiluted love, all I suggest is to grab this thought and hang on to it. Until it becomes a part of us again. I have no doubts that life will become magical yet again.


My thoughts and talks about Veer will never end. And so will the love that he left behind for me to experience and share it with the world out there. I am trying to make my brother proud and tell everyone around him in heavens with delight that he owned me. All I want to end this blog is by sending out all the love and affection, to each one of you, and hope that you sense the warmth of its purity, which carries a hug from Veer too.


Love to all!

Stay Safe!




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Live the moment..

Living in the moment has been the theme of my life for quite some time now. And the last week was no different than that. If I say, this is what primarily drove my last 7 days, I think I would be giving the best description of how I have lived my life in this week gone by.

I am traveling and I am far-far away from home. And then there are many things happening which are either the first times with no past reference, or only the future will tell what unfolds. So, if living in the moment was not a practice that I would have been mindful of, I am sure the thoughts about the past and future would have had an adverse impact on me.

Anyways, that was not meant to be. And all that I have done is to live each moment to its fullest and embrace all that it brought for me. Every day has been new learning and getting to see something new. Not that everything comes as a pleasant surprise, at times one needs to maneuver through the challenges presented by the unknown and the unfamiliar. But the key is to not get baffled by it and let the phase pass by. This awareness that it all is momentary helps to live it well while acknowledging it fully, yet not immersing oneself into it beyond what is required.

My intention behind sharing it with you today is to highlight that this practice of living in the moment may not come very naturally to many of you. And that is when you precisely need to not rush for it. Just being mindful of it, will eventually make it happen for you, as the benefits it carries, are huge enough to pull anyone to start getting friendly with it.

Our past, as well as our future, are both very important parts of our lives, and at no moment which is considered as present, we can deny the importance of the time gone by or the times coming ahead. What we do is to not allow any of these to overshadow, what we have in our hands currently. And this honoring of the now, is what is called living in the moment.

This practice has helped me to allow my past to stay where it belongs, and let my future show up to me when it is its time. And what has happened as a result is that both my past as well as my future, get their deserved space in my life.

Peace and calmness are two of the blessings which show up on themselves as soon as we start to practice living in the moment. And it is these two, that finally lead to joy showing up on itself, making what you are living currently as your happy times.

What a simple recipe to having happiness in your life in the present, no matter whatever you have seen in the past, or whatever you anticipate that the future will be for you. And the belief in its strength will increase on its own when you first practice it consciously and see what it brings up before it becomes a part of your nature and happens subconsciously for you.

Life will keep on throwing its challenges and some may even lead to us not being able to live it this way. What we must ensure in such times is to tell ourselves that some small setbacks, do not make us a total failure. And whatever it takes to live a life that is fulfilled, and contented in its present moment, is a gift we all were born with. All that we need to do is to find that support system, which helps us to get up and get back, no matter how many times we fail in our endeavor of living in the moment.

I wish and hope, that this read will activate some thoughts for you, and it will work in its best possible manner and the most appropriate way as it is meant for you to be.

Stay Safe!

Love, RB.



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